
This page shows examples of params files for several applications. These params files can be used as a reference of starting point for settings up a simulations.

Field experiment: DELILAH

2D, surfbeat, directional spreading. Aim: comparison field data hydrodynamics

In order to verify the 2DH hydrodynamics of XBeach when forced by directionally-spread short waves, a simulation is set up to compare model results to field measurements. In this case the DELILAH field experiment at Duck, North Carolina is selected as a suitable test location. The period that is modeled is October 13th 1990, which was a stormy day, between 16:00 and 17:00 hours. For more info, check: http://oss.deltares.nl/web/xbeach/skillbe

%%% Grid parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

nx       = 177
ny       = 70
xori     = 0.
yori     = 0.
alfa     = 0.
depfile  = zneumann.grd
vardx    = 1
xfile    = x.grd
yfile    = y.grd
posdwn   = -1
thetamin = -75.
thetamax = 60.
dtheta   = 135.
dtheta_s = 15.
dtheta_s = 10

%%% general %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

eps      = 0.001
back     = 2
leftwave = 1
rightwave = 1

%%% Time%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

tstart   = 200.
tintg    = 1
tintm    = 400.
tintp    = 1.
tstop    = 3800.
taper    = 200.

%%% Boundary condition options%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
zs0file  = tide.txt
tideloc  = 1
instat   = 6
zs0      = 0.685

bcfile   = vardens.txt

%%% Sediment transport calculation options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

D50      = 0.0002
D90      = 0.0003
rhos     = 2650

%%% Morphological calculation options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

morfac   = 0
morstart = 3800
por      = 0.4

%%% Ouput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Output options
nglobalvar = 4

npointvar = 1

npoints = 9
580 400
655 400
705 400
725 410
745 410
760 410
780 410
805 410
825 410

Holland Coast

This test simulates dune erosion of a profile at the holland coast during storm 1976.

%%% XBeach parameter settings input file                                     %%%
%%%                                                                          %%%
%%% date:     30-Jul-2021 08:52:18                                           %%%
%%% function: xb_write_params                                                %%%

%%% Bed composition parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

D50             = 0.000245
D90             = 0.000367

%%% Flow boundary condition parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

left            = wall
right           = wall

%%% Flow parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% General %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

bedfriccoef     = 0.020000
wavemodel       = surfbeat
wbcEvarreduce   = 0.300000
wbctype         = jonstable

%%% Grid parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

depfile         = bed.dep
posdwn          = 0
nx              = 1564
ny              = 0
alfa            = 0
vardx           = 1
xfile           = x.grd
xori            = 0
yori            = 0
thetamin        = -90
thetamax        = 90
dtheta          = 180

%%% Model time %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

tstop           = 151200

%%% Morphology parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

morfac          = 1
morstart        = 0

%%% Physical processes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

sedtrans        = 1
morphology      = 1

%%% Roller parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% Sediment transport parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% Tide boundary conditions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

zs0file         = tide.txt
tideloc         = 2

%%% Wave breaking parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

bcfile          = jonswap.txt
random          = 0

%%% Output variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

outputformat    = netcdf
tintm           = 3600
tintp           = 0.100000
tintg           = 1200
tstart          = 0

nglobalvar      = 4

nmeanvar        = 4

npointvar       = 4