Holland Default

The Holland Default example simulates the response of the typical cross-shore profile of the Dutch coast to normative storm conditions. In this tutorial this simulation will be built up step by step. The resulting model schematization can be found here: https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/xbeach/skillbed/input/holland_default/

For this tutorial, you should have XBeach Kingdsday release or later installed on your pc, as well as the XBeach open earth tools. Furthermore a measured or schematized cross shore profile is required as model geometry.

Grid and bathymetry

The starting point of any 1D XBeach computation is the depth profile mentioned above, it is recommended to either cut off or extend this to the 20 m depth contour. Based on this geometry, the computational grid and bathymetry can be constructed. Three files will have to be made:

  • x.grd

    This is the cross-shore grid in plain ascii format. With default nautical direction conventions positive x direction is due east. In this case the grid is non-equidistant, with a coarse offshore resolution and increasing resolution towards shore. The x.grd can be generated automatically using the Matlab function xb_grid_xgrid.m found in the Open Earth Tools (see https://publicwiki.deltares.nl/display/OET/OpenEarth). The function helps to ensure that some numerical criteria such as grid points per wave length are met.

  • y.grd

    This is the longshore grid, which in this case contains only zeroes (with a length equal to the x.grd). This type of simulation thus is of the ‘fast 1D’ type (see section ‘Grid and bathymetry’ of the manual.

  • bed.dep

    In this file (which is also in plain ascii) the z-values (default positive upwards) corresponding to the grid points in x.grd are put. Note that for XBeach to work properly at the seaward boundary at least a single horizontal cell is required. Such an adaption to the profile will have to be added manually.

Example Matlab code to quickly generate these files:

[xgr zgr] = xb_grid_xgrid(Xin,Zin);
ygr = zeros(size(xgr));

Wave boundary input: jonswap.txt

In this example the model will be forced by a spectral condition, that is not varying in time. The parameters to describe this condition are written down in a single file, which may contain the following keywords (if omitted, default values are assumed):

  • Hm0 = 7.6000

    Significant wave height.

  • fp = 0.0833

    Peak frequency of the wave spectrum (=1/Tp)

  • mainang = 270.0000

    Main incident wave angle. According to the XBeach direction conventions (default nautical) 270 degrees implies incident from the West.

  • gammajsp = 3.3000

    Peak enhancement factor (default) corresponding in this case to a JONSWAP spectrum shape.

  • s = 10,000

    Directional spreading. See the manual on how s is related to directional spreading in degrees (Input description/Waves input/Spectral wave boundary conditions). Note that in this simulation there is only a single directional wave bin (see next section). This implies that waves can only propagate in a single direction. Directional spreading in this case therefore does not influence the amount of losses of wave energy outside the domain, but it does influence the groupiness of the waves on th emodel boundaty and therefore infra-gravity wave generation. It is thus recommended to input a high directional spreading parameter in a 1D computation, corresponding to waves without significant directional spread.

  • fnyq = 1.0000

    Nyquist frequency. Energy of waves with a frequency higher than this frequency is mirrored around the Nyquist frequency over the other frequencies. This value should not lie closely to the characteristic frequency of the spectrum.

Main input file: params.txt

The params file is the main input file of any XBeach simulation. A minimal set of default parameters, supplemented by your own case-specific settings, can be generated using the Matlab function xb_generate_settings.m. For this case the following keywords are included in the params file:

  • Grid parameters

    • depfile = bed.dep

      Reference to the file with the bathymetry generated under section 1 of this tutorial.

    • nx = 230

      Indicates that there are 230 grid cells (and thus 231) grid points (entrees in the x.grd file).

    • ny = 0

      Indicating zero alongshore grid cells, which makes the model of the (fast) 1Dv type.

    • alfa = 0

      The rotation of the grid. See the image in this paper for an explanation: https://oss.deltares.nl/documents/48999/59759/Roelvink_2009.pdf

    • vardx = 1

      Indicating that the grid in x direction is non-equidistant.

    • xfile = x.grd

      Reference to the cross-shore grid file.

    • yfile = y.grd

      Reference to the alongshore grid file.

    • xori = 0

      The world coordinate of the x origin (not relevant in this simulation)

    • yori = 0

      The world coordinate of the y origin (not relevant in this simulation)

    • thetamin = 225

      The lower directional dimension of the wave spectrum discretization.

    • thetamax = 315

      The upper directional dimension of the wave spectrum discretization.

    • dtheta = 90

      The size of the direction bins. In this case dtheta = thetamax – thetamin, which implies there is only a single directional bin. This makes the model in essence resemble a laboratory wave flume in which waves can propagate in one direction only and no wave energy is lost through the sides of the wave flume.

    • thetanaut = 1

      Specifies that thetamin and thetamax are input according the nautical convention as opposed to the cartesian convention.

  • Initial conditions

    • zs0 = 5

      Initial water level is at +5m. In the Netherlands this is typically at the toe of the dunes during storm set-up.

  • Model time

    • tstop = 18000

      As an example a period of 5 hours is modeled.

  • Wave boundary condition parameters

    • instat = jons

      The type of the wave boundary condition is JONSWAP. See http://xbeach.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/image24.png on how to arrive at the proper wave boundary type for your own simulation.

    • random = 0

      XBeach generates a wave time series. With the switch random = 0 this time series does not have a randomness (i.e. it will always be the same time series for each repeat of the simulation).

  • Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters

    • bcfile = jonswap.txt

      The file containing the wave boundary conditions (see below).

    • rt = 1800

      The reuse time of the generated wave time series. In this case a time series of a duration of half an hour is generated, which is reused 10 times to complete the entire (5 hour) simulation.

    • dtbc = 1

      The discretization time step of the time series, which is 1s in this case. This should typically be a small value, taking into account the Nyquist frequency as well (see above).

  • Output variables

    • tstart = 0

      The model output starts to be generated at t=0. If you for example have a spin-up time in which you are not interested in the output you can postpone output generation with this keyword.

    • tintg = 3600

      Gap between which global (instantaneous) output is written to file. Also mean output can be saved, which is specified with tintm.

    • outputformat = netcdf

      Format of the output.

    • nglobalvar = 1

      The amount of global output variables that have to be written to file.

    • zb

      The bed level is the only output variable. The output will contain 6 profiles (the initial and tstop/tintg = 5 other profiles).

Running the model

It is assumed here that you are running under windows (see [LINK] for other platforms). The XBeach executable that should be placed somewhere on your pc, for example on: d:\Software\XBeach\2015-10-22_XBeach_v1.22.4867_Kingsday_x64_netcdf\xbeach.exe

Which can be run via a batch file containing a reference to that path, like this:

>>> call d:\Software\XBeach\2015-10-22_XBeach_v1.22.4867_Kingsday_x64_netcdf\xbeach.exe

Or by navigating in a command window to your folder containing the model files and executing the above line.

Post-processing your model results

Results can be visualized using the following Matlab code. Note that you must have the Open Earth Tools loaded.

%read the output
xb = xb_read_output('xboutput.nc');
[zb, DIMS] = xs_get(xb,'zb','DIMS');
xgr = xs_get(DIMS,'x');

%plot the output
legend({'Initial profile','t=1hr','t=2hr','t=3hr','t=4hr','t=5hr'},'location','northwest')
xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('z [m]')
xlim([2200 3000]); ylim([-5 16])
grid on; title('Holland default XBeach simulation')